
jumping ship.

"Morning, Sandra. How was your long weekend - you took Friday off, right?"

"Yeah, I did. It was a good weekend. I hear there was a little drama while I was gone."


"Yeah, with Tim leaving."

"Oh, that. Yeah, that happened. Hey, uh, listen, do you kinda wonder about everyone leaving? I mean, it seems like someone's leaving the company every couple of months, and-"

"You wonder if you're missing something by not being unhappy here."


"I don't know. I've thought the same thing. Like, what's wrong with me. Clearly this isn't a good place to work because so many other people are jumping ship."


"I used to work at a restaurant that had a really high employee turnover. A lot of people lasted less than a month, some less than a week. And I kept wondering what I was missing that I didn't want to leave, too. I finally figured out that the place was just kind of a weird environment that took a particular type of person to appreciate working there. Turns out that I was that kind of person, and the other people who stuck it out were all fun, interesting, amazing people. By the time I had to leave, I realized how much I had loved working there."

"So I guess if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

"Yeah. But I mean, I'm young and single, so I can pretty much leave whenever if I had to. But I dunno. I'm okay where I am right now."

"Maybe our expectations are too low."

"Maybe. Keeps us happy."

"Yup. I'll take it."

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