

I stumbled on this website today, NoScruf.org. Feel free to browse the site, look at the hairy, beautiful women. Watch the informative, amusing video. Become irritated at the words which follow around your mouse pointer.

In case you're on dialup, I'll give you the gist. This site is basically the home page of an organization of women who have decided that they are sick and tired of having to snuggle up against stubbly chins and cheeks. They have declared that they will not shave any part of their bodies until their boyfriends return to a soft, smooth, pre-adolescent state in terms of facial hair.

My, what a stupid cause. Just think what these women could do if they actually attached themselves to something worthwhile. I'd be down with some swimsuit model who stopped shaving because she realized that it was a ridiculous requirement imposed on her by society. But not shaving because she's against not shaving?

First of all, I have no problem with scruff. You know what? I like it. True, I've lovingly and delightedly stroked a smooth chin, but a little prickly growth never stopped me either. I love my man all the way down to the hairs on his chinny-chinny-chin. I'm usually too excited that he's within kissing distance to worry about anything else.

Besides, these women are going about it all the wrong way. They think they're feminists, but no, rather than try to liberate women, they're trying to imprison men. They shout, "If we have to follow stupid rules, then you do, too!" They should be throwing out the stupid rules altogether. Rather than threatening to not shave, they should tell their boyfriends, "Hey, I won't impose silly hair removal ideas on you if you won't impose them on me."

One more thing: I invite you again to go to the site and look at the beautiful, hairy women. Those bikini lines, they're looking awfully smooth and neat, no?


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