
two and a half things.

Things, because I'm hard up for what to write and yet I still feel your glaring eyes and their silent reproach for more words to feed them. Or something like that.

Thing 1: Unsocialized.
I saw a bumper sticker today, one in the fashion of those old stupid caution signs that said "Baby on Board!" However, this one said "Caution: Unsocialized Homeschoolers on board." I was amused, both because I know some adults who were homeschooled and are now social retards, and because I have siblings who homeschool their children. My nieces and nephews seem fairly well-adjusted so far - they don't seem to be any more socially inept than...well, me.

Thing 2: Technically Geeky.
I realized that I am a geek today. No, really, I already knew, but it's always nice (or traumatizing) to have these things confirmed. Josh asked me where he could find a good deal on a CD burner. No, no the fact that he came to me is not the reason that I am a geek. I told him what kind of prices he could expect if he looked around a bit, but then - geeky part alert! - I told him that I had an extra one anyway, and he could just have it. Luckily, he'll see the incident as proof that I'm a good girlfriend, not that I'm a big loser.

Thing 3: I only thought of two things.
Sorry about that.

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