
brits and special olympians.

Three, oh, it's a magic number.

Thing 1: Computer scientist lady-killer.
I am currently leading a project at work that involves me working with the nice people at Lotus. For those of you who do not know anything about cars, I'll try not to get too technical and put it thusly: people who work at Lotus have British accents. I've had to speak on the phone with our main point of contact several times, and I tell you, the accent does not get old. When he calls, the secretary announces his calls with a dreamy sigh. My program manager is also female and therefore not immune to his softspoken words. We are all in love with this man. I can only hope to meet him someday to find him old and fat with bad teeth so that I may be cured of his charms. I'm sure he has no idea that he is such a lady-killer with southern computer scientists.

Thing 2: Wrong way.
This past weekend, I was driving past the bottom of an interstate off-ramp. It being just like most interstate off-ramps, it was one-way, and there were two red signs facing my direction, saying "WRONG WAY." However, under one of the red signs was a small white sign, also facing my direction, with a black arrow pointing to the right and the words "SPECIAL OLYMPICS."

Thing 3: And now for something completely different...
I've been trying to cut down on spending lately to save up for a little vacation this fall. However, I ran across the following online deal: the complete Monty Python's Flying Circus, new on 14 DVDs, for $50 shipped. I personally am not equipped with the will power to not jump on that kind of deal. I confess that I'd never actually seen an episode of Monty Python, though I'd seen all the movies. Now I'm slowly becoming an expert, and I predict that I will be borderline obnoxious about it within a couple of weeks. Remember though, I am obnoxious for only fifty dollars.

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