
the flowers in your neighborhood.

Nothing all that special or sage this week in terms of Thousand Words Thursday. Just a pretty flower. I guess the more interesting thing about this picture is where I took it. I was bored one evening and so I picked up my camera and my walking shoes and my mp3 player and set out to photograph Lewisville. I find that when I walk through my neighborhood, I am repeatedly saying to myself, "Wait...how long has that house been there?" It's amazing what you miss driving down the same road every day. I walked over to the elementary school and found this little nature area. I suppose you could consider any outdoors place a "nature area," but this one was obviously set up to be some sort of placid garden where small children should go to read advanced-for-their-age books and ponder the wonder of life. Thus, the area was looking overgrown and unkempt, which made me like it even more. It's like in The Secret Garden, but before it was discovered: just this secluded area that obviously used to be cared for and probably was beautiful, but now was just someone's secret. I only wish that I'd had to find a key to get to it and befriended a cripple and a dude that could talk to animals on the way.

In any case, I liked my newly found secret garden, where man tries to celebrate nature and then nature sort of just takes over. I took lots of pictures of various plants and insects and broken birdfeeders until the smell of some flower became too sickeningly sweet for me. I wondered if any of the hundreds of students and staff of the elementary school even knew about it.

1 comment:

Howie said...

Howdy blog neighbor. Just checking out the next blog button. I grow zenias. Nice pic. I have some pics of mine somewhere.